Thursday, May 26, 2011

Great article about California caviar farms

The Wall Street Journal recently wrote a fantastic article about California caviar farms. The article details the history of Sturgeon Caviar in California, and explains the reasons why the caviar farming industry has become so large in recent years.

Caviar being processed at local California Caviar Farms, Caviar being cleaned, WSJ article, Caviar Express blog

The piece also includes a 15-photo slideshow showing how caviar is produced from the initial farming stages to the actual harvesting and packaging. The WSJ reported was definitely in for a treat as he was allowed to watch and photograph the process from start to finish.

Check out the article here. Also of interest is the history of how caviar came to be in California, and why the farms in California produce 85% of the entire Sturgeon farm production in the United States.


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